Could you or someone you know use an extra $12 in your wallet every day?
By replacing a 40-mile round-trip commute with carpooling, you can save at least that much. A commute by bicycling, walking, public transit, or telecommuting can help your wallet even more, and puts even fewer cars on the road. All of these efforts help preserve our road conditions, saves taxpayer dollars, and puts more vacation money in your pocket!
By participating, you’re also doing your part to preserve the environment. For those who are able to make their trips by biking or walking, it also keeps you feeling great too.
The best way to participate is to stick with your CommuteSmart habits and encourage your friends and coworkers to join you.
If you’d like to do more, we welcome new and returning volunteers to sustain our efforts year after year! Send an email and let us know that you want to get involved. Thank you!
CommuteSmart New Hampshire encourages people like you to choose environmentally-friendly, healthy and economical transportation options rather than driving your car alone. By encouraging our friends, family and coworkers to rethink their commutes, we’ll keep New Hampshire cleaner and our roads free of unnecessary congestion. CSNH is a partnership of businesses, schools, transit providers, regional planners and other volunteers leading the effort.
CSNH is an activism effort of the simplest kind. Share your experience with others!
Bicycling/Walking Resources
Bike-Walk Alliance of New Hampshire
BWA-NH is the statewide focal point for bicycling and pedestrian-related issues including safety and education programs, acting as a clearinghouse and resource for literature and promoting viable programs initiated by other organizations.
Granite State Wheelers
The Granite State Wheelers is New England’s most active adult recreational bicycling club. GSW promotes safety, education and camaraderie.
Seacoast Area Bicycle Riders
SABR is the bicycle advocacy group for Seacoast New Hampshire and Southern Maine.
Central New Hampshire Bicycling Coalition
The mission of the Central New Hampshire Bicycling Coalition is to effectively improve bicycling conditions, safety, parking and the road network as well as to provide education and promotion of bicycling in Concord and surrounding communities.
Monadnock Cycling Club
Promote, organize, educate and facilitate safe and enjoyable bicycling in the Monadnock Region of New Hampshire with representation of all interests within the cycling community.
Walk Score
Shows you a map of what’s nearby and calculates a ‘Walk Score’ for any address.
Upper Valley Trails Alliance
How to Not Get Hit By Cars
Don’t Be A Road Hog/Road Warrior Brochure
Paul Dorn’s Bike Commuting Tips
NH Bike/Ped Maps
Concord Bicycle Parking Locations
Safety Tips for Pedestrians
NH Walking Trails
NH Rail Trails
Bus/Train Resources
NH Transit Links
Want to know more about a particular transit provider? Need a bus schedule, route map or ticket info? Follow this link and you’ll find contact information as well as links to websites for many of the state’s transportation providers.
Statewide Coordinating Council for Community Transportation
The SCC is developing state-level coordination systems, including coordination regions and information technologies, and working with regional groups to establish regional councils.
New Hampshire’s Regional Planning Commissions
Regional Planning Commissions provide transportation, environmental, energy planning and other technical services to NH municipalities.